Well guys, brewing school is steadily approaching. Things are looking pretty positive for me. Just a week ago, I went to Sierra Nevada Beer Camp. I made some good connections there. The R&D Head Brewer and the Intern training under him are both graduates of the school I'll be going to. The intern actually graduated this year and went intern for SN pretty much strait away. Also a local brewery around here is planning to expand in about a year and would be looking for a good head brewer about that time. I'm really hopeful that I'll be able to settle back in NorCal after Europe.
I've pretty well decided that I'm not going to try too hard to sell my race car to fund brewing school. Of my cars, it will be the hardest to sell and the most expensive to replace. I know several people had offered to hold onto it for me, and that would be much appreciated.
I was wondering if maybe folks in the region might be interested in sort-of buying my car for a low price to use as a spare car for the region. Say something like $5,000, and then the option for me to buy it back for the same price after I return and get some positive cash flow. It would make for a nice loan to help me out in Europe, and the car wouldn't be sitting there totally uselessly.
Let me know what you guys think. I still need to get out to watch a race weekend.