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Laguna Seca in November with NCRC
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NASA California North Region Website
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TOPIC: Laguna Seca in November with NCRC

Laguna Seca in November with NCRC 14 years, 4 months ago #8316

I know it's not part of our event schedule, but letting folks know that NCRC is holding a weekend event at Laguna Seca on the weekend of Nov 27-28, ~$200/day. I signed up for the race group and there are a few more spots left, but probably not for long.

Figured someone might be interested.

Re: Laguna Seca in November with NCRC 14 years, 4 months ago #8341

I might be interested. Anyone else? If we could get a few cars, I think it would be a good time.

Re: Laguna Seca in November with NCRC 14 years, 3 months ago #8971

Well, the event was a bust for me. I couldn't make sound. I was clocked at 106db. Managed to choke it down to 94db with a tin can over the muffler whcih also limited my engine speed to a bit below 6000rpm. The Super Trapp tip blew off as I entered the track.

That was all for the better though.

When I took the car over to a local muffler shop to see what they might be able to do, we noticed a couple problems when the car was up on the lift. A couple of the bolts for the stub axle had come loose (but not fallen off). One of them doesn't seem to want to screw back in. Then, swapping a wheel, I realized that there is slop in my left rear wheel. I'm thinking either the main bolt holding the hub on is a bit loose, or maybe the bearings need to be replaced.

Guess I'm going to start going over the car a bit more thoroughly before events. Probably a good habit to be in.

Re: Laguna Seca in November with NCRC 14 years, 2 months ago #8992

  • cbuzzetti
  • Endurance Racer
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Sorry to hear about your adventure at Laguna.

One of the things I do every time the car is on Jack stands is check for wheel movement.

A friend had a rear wheel bearing failure that ended up breaking the axle that holds the wheel. Luckily it happened at a slow section of track.

These are old cars with fatigued parts. We need to be checking this stuff all the time.
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Re: Laguna Seca in November with NCRC 14 years, 2 months ago #8993

  • JerryW
  • Endurance Racer
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  • Posts: 659
Sorry to hear it Cameron.

For anyone in the future - I have a spare cat back exhaust system that anyone is welcome to borrow if they need (and I don't )
Jerry Whitteridge
Norcal #552

Re: Laguna Seca in November with NCRC 14 years, 2 months ago #8995

Jerry, I'll take you up on that exhaust offer in the future if I hit Laguna again. I don't think a supertrapp would do it without seriously restricting the engine.

I'm glad I found the wheel wobble when I did. Eating the event costs sucks, but it's a relatively cheap learning experience. Beats finding out when the part breaks on track.

After finding the wobble, I checked again with the car on the ground. Loaded, I couldn't move the wheel. It was only when I had it jacked up. There's a lesson there for me.

I'm still not sure if it's the nut or the bearing, but I imagine it won't take too much (time or money wise) to figure out and correct.

Actually, the thing that kind of ticks me off most, is not realizing sooner I wasn't going to finish the event. I could have spent that time cruising the aquarium with my girlfriend. I think I'll need to plan another, more relaxing trip.

The bigger concern for me now is that stub-axle bolt that won't screw in. I suppose I could just use 5 out of 6 bolts, but I'm only 5/6 comfortable with that. Not sure what it's going to take to get that thing to screw back in. Will I need to pull the stub axle out of the diff and find a replacement? I guess that wouldn't be too tough to pick up from a junkyard. I presume they just come out, and go in, with a pull hammer.
Last Edit: 14 years, 2 months ago by Salanis42.
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