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Buttonwillow, April 5 & 6
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NASA California South Region Website
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TOPIC: Buttonwillow, April 5 & 6

Buttonwillow, April 5 & 6 10 years, 12 months ago #17513

Hey gang, don't forget to sign up in the next couple days for Buttonwillow in early April. It's always a great track for some good action.

Also, please take a minute to fill out the survey NASA recently sent out. They need help gauging participation for upcoming events, including Laguna Seca and Sonoma.


Re: Buttonwillow, April 5 & 6 10 years, 12 months ago #17515

  • Atteberry
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Posts: 222
I will be signed up tonight. The engine is repaired and ran last weekend at Sonoma. The car appears to be ok. Is anyone running in the endurance race April 5th?

Re: Buttonwillow, April 5 & 6 10 years, 12 months ago #17516

What was wrong with your engine?

Hicks and I plan on running the enduro.

Jim R
Jim Richmond
Capt Squid
Last Edit: 10 years, 11 months ago by capt squid.

Re: Buttonwillow, April 5 & 6 10 years, 12 months ago #17517

  • Atteberry
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Posts: 222
Let's see if I spell this right the cylinders were not honed out correctly resulting in the rings scratching the walls and the block had to be replaced. I had a spare block honed the cylinder out correctly reconstructed the engine and off to Sears Point. We chased oil leaks on Saturday that in the end required pulling the motor to fix the last one. Those have been fixed so now all seems ok. The engine ran ok on Sunday but now has a random miss about 2-4 times in 30 minutes. I am not sure if the ECU does not get a correct signal or there is a lose wire somewhere. We cleaned all contacts and check for loose wires but that not seem to be problem. We are thinking it is a signal to the ECU that cuts out. Hopefully it can be found over the next two week.

Everett and I will try and run the endurance race as well.

Re: Buttonwillow, April 5 & 6 10 years, 11 months ago #17521

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
Does the endure have a night component?

Big Dog
Jim Foxx

Re: Buttonwillow, April 5 & 6 10 years, 11 months ago #17522

  • Atteberry
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Posts: 222
Yes typically the race starts at 6 PM and concludes at 9 PM so this time of year the last half will be in twilight and then night.
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