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Laguna Recap SoCal/NoCal
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TOPIC: Laguna Recap SoCal/NoCal

Re: Laguna Recap SoCal/NoCal 10 years, 7 months ago #17992

  • ioport
  • Comp School
  • Posts: 36

I will have to take a look at my video. The turn 1/2 station up on the hill is hard to see and I don't think I noticed the yellow up there until the 2nd lap. The blue/yellow is an advisory flag and just says "check your mirrors, a faster car approaches". Sorry to hear that you missed the flag and sometimes those flags go up a bit late to see. I have been in flagging before and pulled up a yellow too late for a driver to see, but the next corner called the pass into control. I had to correct the call and say that the driver would not have been able to see the flag and to not penalize him. In your case, I can't say, except that the penalty seems to be given too late for you to appeal. While I certainly agree that if a racer blows the yellow, they deserve a penalty, they also deserve to be given fair notice and a chance to appeal. A late yellow is certainly a good excuse in my book. Video is your best evidence (for and against you).

I agree with Steve in that you deserved the win with a great drive.

I would be happy to post my video--if I knew how to do so! I am not very tech savvy. Once Scott is done combining the rear camera into the front camera and TraqMate overlay, maybe I can learn how to get it onto YouTube.
Ken Myers
I/O Port Racing Supplies

Re: Laguna Recap SoCal/NoCal 10 years, 7 months ago #17996

  • Atteberry
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Posts: 222
Sorry Jim but checked my video and white with red cross flag at start finish and at outside flag stand just after turn 1 which also has a standing yellow. The inside flag stand just before turn 2 has a waving yellow. The inside stand yellow happens first lap of E30 spin the outside stand yellow and white with red cross appears to next lap I came around. Also note that one first lap of spin I can see emergency vehicle in pit out onto track and standing yellow at start finish.

I would post my video but after crappy start and the middle of a sandwich in turn 2 the rest is just me chasing Jim Richmond. I never could get around him. Great racing Jim R. and sorry about the DQ for Jim H. you were fast nice racing.

Re: Laguna Recap SoCal/NoCal 10 years, 6 months ago #18019

  • jivenjim
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 92
Thanks for the really nice compliments.

Officially they pushed me back to last place Sun rather than DQ after review. I still keep win on Sat.

Official said I had no options other than lap Jason cause of my over take speed and yellow flag was not thrown till I was almost past station and already in Max Brake. Jason was just being respectful yielding and didn't think he did anything wrong. Picture shows clearly that no yellow out, only emergency Vech flag. But Rules say I passed under yellow.

So off course everyone behind will see a waiving yellow, since they just started. (the group was about 5 seconds behind me)

I watched the video tons more times and still think I could not of done it different. Especially note when I am max breaking to when you first see turn 2 yellow.

Video clip: (29 seconds)

Official Result attached.

Once again awesome racing guys and gal.
Look forward to seeing everyone at Nationals.
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Jim Hicks
Texas Transplant
Last Edit: 10 years, 6 months ago by jivenjim.
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