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944 in SoCal
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NASA California South Region Website

TOPIC: 944 in SoCal

Re: 944 in SoCal 10 years, 2 months ago #19016

  • rhart
  • Drivers Ed
  • Posts: 15
I'll call him. Thanks for the heads up on the diff shops.

Re: 944 in SoCal 10 years, 2 months ago #19017

  • cbuzzetti
  • Endurance Racer
  • 944 Spec = The best racing on the planet
  • Posts: 1192
The 944spec car can race in Enduro class E3, GTS-1, PTE and PTD with little or no mods.

The 944 is a very strong competitor in all of those classes except PTD.

I would rent until you can find a good built racecar to buy. You should be able to find something decent for less than $10k. The best cars are between $12-14k. Though it costs much more than that to build the best car. It is an easy $20k to build a top nothch car.

Welcome to 944spec!
2018 NASA 944Spec National Champ
2018 NASA ST5 P2 944 Nationals COTA
2017 NASA 944Spec WSC P3
2016 NASA PTD-944 WSC P2
2015 NASA GTS1 Western Champion
2014 NASA 944Spec Western Champion
2013 NASA 944Spec So-Cal Regional Champion
2013 NASA 944Spec National P3
2010 NASA GTS-1 National Champion
2010 NASA 944Spec National P3
2010 NASA So-Cal 944Spec Regional Champion
2009 NASA 944Spec National Champion

Re: 944 in SoCal 10 years, 2 months ago #19018

  • rhart
  • Drivers Ed
  • Posts: 15
Now THAT IS the info I've been looking for. Thank you.
I'm assuming these classes have enough entrants so that you're racing through most corners and doing less follow that leader that 5-7 car fields seem to precipitate.
I'm on the hunt for a car. Seems like there is not much out there currently on the west coast. I hate to rent a cheapo car. One weekend and you've covered 20% of the cost of your own car.
Thanks again Buzz. Looks like you've been quite successful in the car.

Re: 944 in SoCal 10 years, 2 months ago #19019

  • cbuzzetti
  • Endurance Racer
  • 944 Spec = The best racing on the planet
  • Posts: 1192
944 is generally the 3 rd largest class in Nasa So-Cal. Tyically the PT classes will have 3-5 cars per class.
The only other two classes with larger count than 944 is E30 and Spec Miata. All three of those classes run together in the same run group. I alsoown and race an E30 and have raced a Spec Miata. I can tell you with certainty that the 944 is the better car of those 3. It has a higher reliabilty, lower cost to run and better handling.
There are no 20+ spec car fields in So-Cal. Miata usually has 10 and e30 usually has 12.
Your ability will determine who you are racing against. Sometimes there are 3-5 cars bunched up and sometimes iit gets strung out. This has alot to do with mistakes made by drivers, car set up and driver performance.
We can field cars approaching 15 944's when we do crossover events with nearby regions.
The rental program does not always make sense due to the high cost. But it is a way to determine if this is the right car to buy.
The 944 group in general are a great group of people always willing to help their fellow racers.
Come out and join us.

Be sure to post a WTB ad in the classifieds. Someone may have a car for sale but has not posted yet.

2018 NASA 944Spec National Champ
2018 NASA ST5 P2 944 Nationals COTA
2017 NASA 944Spec WSC P3
2016 NASA PTD-944 WSC P2
2015 NASA GTS1 Western Champion
2014 NASA 944Spec Western Champion
2013 NASA 944Spec So-Cal Regional Champion
2013 NASA 944Spec National P3
2010 NASA GTS-1 National Champion
2010 NASA 944Spec National P3
2010 NASA So-Cal 944Spec Regional Champion
2009 NASA 944Spec National Champion

Re: 944 in SoCal 10 years, 2 months ago #19020

  • rhart
  • Drivers Ed
  • Posts: 15
Thanks Charlie. I've already checked out the GTS-1 and PTE classes. They both look like good fun. I raced a SM in Norcal and brought it south to Orange County with me. It sat unused when I realized there were only a handful of SM racers down here. Sold it 2 years ago and am getting the itch again and I've always had my eye on the 944. My business is vintage Porsches so I really want to stay within the marque never mind buy a bit more cockpit room.
I'm surprised in car centric Socal, racers are much more scarce than Norcal. What gives with that? I would like to get back to the Norcal SM like experience with a 944. LOTS OF CARS STARTING THE RACE. Much better action and adrenaline.
You have been a big help by telling me there is racing beyond Spec 944 with a Spec 944 prepped car.
I'm going to post up a WTB ad. Great idea.
In case you hear of a car my cell is 831 Two 41-4144

Re: 944 in SoCal 10 years, 2 months ago #19027

  • Atteberry
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Posts: 222
Have you checked with R2 Racing about a 944 for sale, they may have one. Tim Comeau is a top notch race car builder and could have something to buy. If you rented from him you would not be disappointed. I use 7's Only for car prep, modifications, track support and transport. They are very honest hard working people with lots of race craft knowledge. I do not think they have a car for sale, however they have contacts that could help you find a race ready car.. Their number is 661.764.5456, ask for Bette or Tom. You can use my name Tom Atteberry.

There are between 3 and 5 of us who will qualify within one second of each other at every event. The result is some very tight racing between that group. Charlie is right the one who makes the most driver errors or has the less than optimum car set up ends up short. That said after the race everyone sits down and compares race videos and car set up. Our whole idea is to get everyone up to equal race craft so we all have a group to race with each event.

As Jim said there are three new racers joining us. The group has a good reputation at NASA as a group of friendly gentleman racers.

Charlie was right to get to the front the all in car cost will be around $20k with the original car cost being $10-$14k. I would think with a little work you should be able to find a race car before the season starts.

You can look at the class rules and see that we have limited regulations. The cars are kept pretty much stock. We try to control costs, through the class rules, have all the cars very similar in performance so the result is the driver is the key component of successful racing. Everyone one of us is not interested in seeing who has the biggest wallet.

Good luck finding a car and we would love to have you join the group.

As an aside you will appreciate the added room in a 944 cockpit. I am 6'3'" and appreciate the space.
Moderators: tcomeau
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