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Willow Springs end of February
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NASA California South Region Website
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TOPIC: Willow Springs end of February

Re: Willow Springs end of February 10 years ago #19180

  • jivenjim
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 92
Charlie described Big Willow Springs as a Fickle Track. She was either Very FAST or cold blowing and spitting at us.
Brisk 30's at night and comfortable 60's days. Some Rain but wind was not too bad.
We had the best of what makes 944 racing such a great group.
Showing the competition each others lines and speed secrets. I want everyone Fast, then I will push too be faster.

Simon got there early on Friday to learn the track with only a text description of Willow. I better save that, cause he was running 139's the first day, at the Fastest and maybe scariest track in the West.

Sat we had some light rain. Socal does not like rain but for some reason it seemed fun with my Porsche friends.
7's had Thomas running fast and seemed to have this red mist following him around.
Our race had a couple white knuckle laps start. Thomas must be using Nos with the Starts he is getting. He was quick. Rain that just sat on the windshield. (cause none of us had wipers. I was driving track by memory and out the side windows. Which is nuts at 120. I remember trying to use "The Force" to gauge Thomas, as we ran 2-3 wide in the first few turns. I could not see squat and on slicks!
Thomas and Simon battled like a school yard throw-down. Kids.. Kids...
Joe brought up the chase pack laying down 1:39s. That's a really fast pack!
three years ago I could not break 1:44

Chuck was relentless and chased me up through the Miatas; Nipping at my heals all the way to the finish.

Sat eve I found out most of the guys did not get tickets for sold out Annual Season Awards. So.. I represented at the Willow Springs Turn 4 Miller club house, and took home the prizes, while our guys and others without Golden Ticket went to coaches for dinner social beverages. (I wanted to go too..)
Sun played out very similar with a few less racers. A few mechanicals send some home early. Simon's Gear Box locked in pre Grid.
Comeau was doing Tech's for NASA all weekend.

Racing is always fun. It's your fellow racers that make it fun.
Rookies Clay and Jerry represented at HPDE. Hope they are ready at Button Willow for Racing!

Thanks for a good one a Willow Springs.

I will try to put some Video up soon.

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Jim Hicks
Texas Transplant

Re: Willow Springs end of February 10 years ago #19187

Hey gang! Great time at WS. Bummed about my early exit Sunday..... have a technical dilemma, but am going to post over in "troubleshooting" so the discussion (I hope) is there for others. Thanks for the help trying to get me going though!

Looking forward to Buttonwilow in a few weeks!
So new.....
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