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Drops for next year
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NASA California South Region Website
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TOPIC: Drops for next year

Drops for next year 15 years, 5 months ago #5877

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
To get the discussion started, it seems to me that the number of drops should be enough to take out Nationals and any "out of area" races like Phoenix this year. After allowing for those drops, there should be at least 2 additional drops allowed for a broken car, family stuff, etc. If not, if a guy misses even one race early, there is no way to compete for the championship and so, less reason to try hard to make races.

I know that was my situation in Arizona so I didn't go to as many races there as I usually do.

Big Dog
Jim Foxx

Re:Drops for next year 15 years, 5 months ago #5903

  • cbuzzetti
  • Endurance Racer
  • 944 Spec = The best racing on the planet
  • Posts: 1192
I am not a huge proponent of drops and would like to see it held to two for family or personal reasons.

A big part of racing to me is car prep. Knowing that you prepared your car well and did your best to avoid breakdowns is rewarded with a points system.

By increasing the drops you reduce car counts since people do not have to be there to protect what they earned (points)

Just some ideas.
2018 NASA 944Spec National Champ
2018 NASA ST5 P2 944 Nationals COTA
2017 NASA 944Spec WSC P3
2016 NASA PTD-944 WSC P2
2015 NASA GTS1 Western Champion
2014 NASA 944Spec Western Champion
2013 NASA 944Spec So-Cal Regional Champion
2013 NASA 944Spec National P3
2010 NASA GTS-1 National Champion
2010 NASA 944Spec National P3
2010 NASA So-Cal 944Spec Regional Champion
2009 NASA 944Spec National Champion

Re:Drops for next year 15 years, 5 months ago #5912

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
Just what I proposed except that any "out of area" races, like the one last year in Phoenix and the National race would also be able to be dropped so guys that can't afford the money or time are not at a disavantage.

It seems to me that "out of area" races should be optional. Of course, if someone goes to them, it gives them an advantage of being able to drop lower finishes so they have some advantage but not as much as otherwise.

Either that or don't make any "out of area" races count for season points at all because some guys just can't make them and it is unfair to them. That is what Joe, in Arizona, does when he decides on drops.

Big Dog
Jim Foxx

Re:Drops for next year 15 years, 4 months ago #5977

  • Atteberry
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Posts: 222
My feeling is that drops should be limited to family reasons. Car breakdowns are a part of racing so that shold not qualify for a drop. Out of region racing is at the option of the driver and not al drivers can afford to do out of region racing so those should not count. Nationals should not count either d to fact that cost plays a role in attendance. This results in points are for in region racing only with the other races being at the option of the driver.

I guess I look at this as an in region competition which if attends all the events they have some advantage. The nations are just that a national race and not regional.

Heck its late I have nothing else to contribute here

Re:Drops for next year 15 years, 4 months ago #5989

  • cbuzzetti
  • Endurance Racer
  • 944 Spec = The best racing on the planet
  • Posts: 1192
I think that only RM is using the Nats as a points race.

That should be up to them since it is in their region.

So-Cal did not use Nats as a points race.

I agree that no out of region races should count towards a regional championship. These should be optional for anyone who wants to participate.

I race in both Nor-Cal and So-Cal but only take points for So Cal. That is my region of record.
2018 NASA 944Spec National Champ
2018 NASA ST5 P2 944 Nationals COTA
2017 NASA 944Spec WSC P3
2016 NASA PTD-944 WSC P2
2015 NASA GTS1 Western Champion
2014 NASA 944Spec Western Champion
2013 NASA 944Spec So-Cal Regional Champion
2013 NASA 944Spec National P3
2010 NASA GTS-1 National Champion
2010 NASA 944Spec National P3
2010 NASA So-Cal 944Spec Regional Champion
2009 NASA 944Spec National Champion

Re:Drops for next year 15 years, 4 months ago #5997

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
Well, Mr. Nat Champ, you would be wrong.

So Cal counts both the races at PIR and the National Championship towards our regional championship. Arizona does as well.

Catching you has made my day, week, month.

As the first loser, I have to take my pleasures where I can Mr. Buzzetti, sir.

Big Dog
Jim Foxx
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