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1986 Porche 944 Turbo
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TOPIC: 1986 Porche 944 Turbo

1986 Porche 944 Turbo 14 years, 10 months ago #7154

Please help me, I want to find a good home for my 1986 Porche 944 Turbo.


1986 Porche 944 Turbo
Chip modification installed
Color: Black

Car Milage: 247K

Engine Milage: <200K

Major expenses: Clutch mount in the firewall needs repair; Fuel lines need replacing; Dead Battery, may need to replace timing belt, maybe engine mounts?

If the fuel lines and battery are fixed it runs fine.

Minor things: driver seat upholstery repair, both visors need repair, replace clearance light/fog light, air shocks on hatch and hood need replacing,

Possibly some other minor fixes needed.

Other than that the car is in great condition. For more pictures visit Picasa album

For full details contact:

Mechanic: Don Wise
Don's AutoWerks
1320 Dell Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 871-9108
some documentation may be with CT Automotive
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