Update from the weekend. My 1st set f tires reached 21 heat cycles, and set the fastest time of my weekend on HC 18. Neal obliterated the track record with his 17th heat cycle tires. Niether of us went faster on new tires (though Neal felt his new tires felt a bit faster).
4 degrees of camber up front both felt better, and was a bit faster for both of us.
Pictures of my 21 heat cycles tires are at the bottom. The splits mostly healed with rotation. So Neal & I are getting pretty good life & performance out of these tires, but others are not, usually by cording the outside edge. My take on this is that it is important to keep the tire from rolling over. My theory is that more camber helps, and also running quite a bit of roll stiffness has helped.
So, crank up the camber, and antisway bars (as possible).