Charlie, I really didn't mean for this to focus on the wreck. I agree, that was a matter of circumstance - not so much because of the "National" event.
Your taco night was the kind of spirit we should focus on for this type of event. Friendly camaraderie with stiff competition on the track.
I started 3rd in all 3 races and paired up behind Foxx ASAP. I guess it takes longer than we expect to trickle back.
The point about taxes is interesting but surmountable. I personally like the idea of a charitable donation. If set up in advance, the tax issue is probably surmountable. How great would our class look if we stood on the podium with checks donated to St. Jude or some other worthy charity?
My stance on the dyno is if you have a rule, you have to enforce it. This isn't aimed at you or anyone else - my own car dyno'd over in my testing. Just like weight, the number is the number, like it or not. If the scales had read 10% low, we all would have scrambled to put in gas or weight. It should be the same for the dyno. I think Tim handled it well but I think in the future, the limit is the limit. Blow it on a compliance run, pay the price.