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Wiring Removal -
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TOPIC: Wiring Removal -

Wiring Removal - 16 years, 10 months ago #814

Greeting All,

This is my first post to the 944-Spec series board. I've run a few races with the PCA in I class over the years and am in the process of convereting my car to the Spec series. Fun project. I'm running an early 85 car. I look forward to playing with you guys (and gals).

As part of the process I am removing all unneccesary wiring. My questions are as follows:
1) at the fuse/relay panel the relays holder block slides into the main panel. I am unble to slide this block out of the main panel. If I could do so it would make the wiring removal process much easier. Ther appear to be some tabs in the channel where the relay block slides into the main panel. I tried using a small flat head screw driver to release these but no luck. Any ideas?
2) For the connectors that go into the back of the relay/fuse panel, how do I remove the pins that are in the connector. This will be much cleaner than simply cutting the wires flush with the back of the connector. Safer too.



Re:Wiring Removal - 16 years, 10 months ago #817

Welcome Rob !
Where do you live ? are what region will you be racing in ? Scotts Rob?

1) make sure there are not 2 hidden screws under there holding it in ...

2) I have not removed any of those yet...


Re:Wiring Removal - 16 years, 10 months ago #818

Scott's Rob? Better said Rob's Scott!

Seriously.. the screws etc area all removed. The "block" as i call it is about 3/4 to 1' square and one resides behind each relay. The "block" sits in a channel on top of the larger fuse/relay assembly. This is mounted with 2 screws under the dash. The "blocks" are where the relays for the fan, DME, blower, warning time relay, and defog reside. The previous referenced relays sit in a row on top of the larger fuse/relay assembly. Obviously the fan and DME relays need to stay. I've removed the switches and wiring associated with the rest and want to strip the wiring back to the fuse/relay panel to finish the job. Disassembling the relay/fuse unit will make it easier. Basically, I need to get as light as possible to keep Scott in my rear view mirrors too.

I live in Evergreen


Re:Wiring Removal - 16 years, 10 months ago #819

Ok Rob's Scott !

Great to have you on the forums !
Please order your CDOC stickers and if you can make sure Scott gets his ordered. it's worth around $400 per day .

How far up into Evergreen are you ? will you guys be coming to the build party on the 19th ?
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